Saturday, December 17, 2011

D Stands For Disappointment

Do whatever you wanna do.
I'm sure you're clever enough to know
which way taking you to be a piece of shit
and which way taking you to be something you wish.
I'm done with the arguments-apology-honeymoon
cycle without making any changes over and over again.
Cause 'I need you' without a proof is just an utter bullshit. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa, I Want Her Outfits For Christmas

I found this girl on Lookbook.
A pretty-faced 16-year-old student living in Umea, Sweden named Ebba Zingmark.
Here are some of her looks..

Love the simplicity she brought out in this look.

Preppy geek style! ♥

 Strong jaws always wins.

With more than 4000 hypes, who still thinks this look's wrong?

♥ ♥ ♥

The hair, the cable jumper, the oxford shoes...

Always love skirts mixed with Docmart.

Can't get enough of her looks! Scrolling all the way down when visiting her page.
This girl's surely got style.

(All pictures are courtesy of hers)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Life, What Happened?

Ever feel like breaking down with no apparent reason?
That you wish you were a bird so you could fly away
and leave all those problems on the ground?

Or wish you could jump off a cliff straight to the water
just to feel the adrenaline?

For me, yes I do. I currently do.
Maybe all I need is just a holiday.
An awesome holiday in a breath-taking place.

Maybe all I need is some scenery.
A scenery I've never imagined would be lying right in front of me.

Maybe all I need is to take some steps.
Some different steps that could paint my life with whole different colors.
Yet I enjoy every single color of it.

Or maybe I just simply haven't lived my life to the fullest.
And as soon as I have, promise me you would lend an ear to listen to my stories.
And promise me you would let me to live it once again.

 With or without you.

(Pictures are courtesy of here)


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Definitely A Must-Have

Just a picture of what I want for my future house..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


(Courtesy of this)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanks For Knowing Me Well

"You're good at covering your problems from your friends.
Laughing as if nothing happened when in fact
your head's somewhat full or even ready to explode."

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Wish It Were My Baby

(Picture taken from this site)
Probably the cutest .gif ever found.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Funny picture found on this site.
How some people could get easily irritated by littlest things..

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Get over 50 and you are a bad influence.
1. smoked
2. consumed alcohol
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5. kissed someone of the same sex
6. had sex
7. had someone in your room other than family
8. watched porn
9. bought porn
10. done drugs

1. taken painkillers
2. taken someone else’s prescription medicine
3. lied to your parents
4. lied to a friend
5. snuck out of the house
6. done something illegal
7. cut yourself
8. hurt someone
9. wished someone to die
10. seen someone die

1. missed curfew
2. stayed out all night
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
4. been to a therapist
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair
7. received a ticket
8. been in a car accident
9. been to a club
10. been to a bar

1. been to a wild party
2. seen the Mardi Gras
3. drank more than four beers in a night
4. had a spring break in Florida
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm band
8. wore t-shirts with band names
9. listen to rap
10. own a 50 Cent CD

1. dressed gothic
2. dressed prep
3. dressed punk
4. dressed grunge
5. stole something
6. been too drunk to remember anything
7. blacked out
8. fainted
9. had a crush on your neighbour
10. had someone sneak into your room

1. snuck into someone else’s room
2. had a crush on your best friend
3. been to a concert
4. humped someone
5. been called a slut
6. called someone a slut
7. installed speakers in your car
8. broken a mirror
9. showered at someone of the opposites sex’s house
10. brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush

1. consider/considered Drake your favorite rapper
2. seen an R-rated movie
3. cruised the mall
4. skipped school
5. had surgery
6. had an injury
7. gone to court
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying
9. caught something on fire
10. lied about your age

1. owned an apartment
2. broke the law in the police’s presence
3. cheated with someone
4. got in trouble with the police
5. talked to a stranger
6. hugged a stranger
7. kissed a stranger
8. rode in the car with a stranger
9. harrassed somebody
10. verbally harrassed somebody

1. met face-to-face with someone you met online
2. stayed online for 12 hours straight
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
4. watched TV for 12 hours straight
5. been to a fair
6. been called a bad influence
7. drink and drive
8. prank-called someone
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
10. been cheated on

1. cheated on homework
2. held hands with someone of the same sex
3. been pushed into a pool
4. played pool
5. watched 5 hours of MTV straight
6. had a crush on someone 5 years older than you
7. had a crush on someone younger than you
8. worn eyeliner
9. skinny-dipped
10. laughed at a retarded person in a wheelchair

Well, I was just living my youth.. *whistling*

(questions copied from a friend's blog post)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Respect Much?

"I respect him, but not his music."
--Overheard some guy who talked about his musician friend

Whoopsy daisy, I thought people with good taste of music would surely respect others' taste of music.

Well Noted

"When you look for a husband, look for the one who can make money without any help from his parents.
Don't ever marry a Mommy's little boy. They're cowards."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Forever Young

We never realize how fast time passes..
Until we look back to those old pictures we keep.
How many moments we've been through..
Wait, did our sweet 17 birthdays happen more than 3 years ago?

We grew up together.
Remember Saturday nights spent at KFC and Timezone when we were 15?
Or times when we tried smoking cigars and drinking beers for the first time?



 Funny when we look back now
at how we thought it was cool..

People may think it's silly,
well, they have no idea that in fact it was lively.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Good Ol' Time

Who doesn't love Dinosaurs?!


Okay, most people don't love dinosaurs. They ate people, they were cruel, they were predators, and many more bloody reasons people might state. Well, you're true, though. But I was once obsessed with Dinosaurs. I still am, probably.
I can blame my elder brother for this, actually. He was the one who was totally obsessed with Dinosaurs back then. He posted many posters of Dinosaurs in our room (Yes, 'our'. Back then when I was 5, we slept together with Mom and Dad), and all of the posters had the names of the Dinosaurs in it. Mom and Dad also bought him heaps of books about Dinosaurs (and snake, and insects, and whales, well, he was an fauna fetish) and when he read, I always sat next to him so that I could read it too.
They say kids' memories last forever. I believe that, cause probably that's why those Dinosaurs names still stuck in my mind till this very second. But well, my elder brother is still the one who remembers nearly every kind of Dinosaur, until today.
As a kid, you know I had my favorite Dinosaurs. And they are...

This Dino used to be my first favorite Dino cause Stegosaurus was herbivorous. I hated carnivorous Dinos. I read an article about Dinosaurs just recently and I found out that Stegosaurus was the dumbest Dino cause they had the smallest brain with that size of body. Heart-breaking.

Not long till I crushed on another Dino. Again, a herbivorous one. They might look slow and dumb but from my point of view, they look like a wise woman somehow. This wise-woman figure popped out in my mind since I was 5. Oh and they were featured on Jurassic Park movie too! The scene when Ellie examined the sick Triceratops one. ♥

This is the latest favorite Dino of mine. This one's different cause Pteranodon was a carnivorous. One reason why I loved them was that they fly (I know some there's still some other Dinos that fly but I only loved Pternodon). But when I watched Jurassic Park III, it kinda broke my heart that Pteranodon was cruel that he almost killed Dr. Alan and his people and that boy, Eric.

Back then when we were kids, my brothers also had their favorite too. And they are...

Tyrannosaurus Rex 
(Also known as T-Rex)
My eldest brother's favorite. The carnivorous, the big (not biggest), the most famous and well-known for the cruelty (might as well be the most cruel Dino ever), probably that's why they put them as the main role in Jurassic Park movie. (Remember the scene when Alan, Ellie and another man driving a car chased by T-Rex? That was kinda breath-taking!) Until this day, sometimes I look my brother as if he were a T-Rex. I don't know why.

(Also known as Raptor)
 My elder brother's favorite. The carnivorous, the famous, the fastest and the smartest Dino. Raptors are defined to be not too big, smaller than they were in Jurassic Park movies. They always played quite important role, both in Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III movie. (Remember the kitchen scene between the Raptors and the kids in Jurassic Park? Or the stolen egg of  Raptor in Jurassic Park III? I do!) And until this day,sometimes I also still see my elder brother as if he were a Raptor. This is weird, I know.

I still remember some of Dinosaurs name. From Brachiosaurus to Diplodocus, from Iguanodon to Elasmosaurus. Well, like they always say, Kids' memories last forever..

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Sit Next To Me Before I Go"

(Some people might find this video too explicit. Well, feel free to skip this post.)

Your love is like a studded leather headlock
Your kiss, it could put creases in the rain
You're rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock
And those other girls are just postmix lemonade

Suck it and see, you never know
Sit next to me before I go
Jigsaw women with hollow movie shoes
Be cruel to me 'cause I'm a fool for you

I poured my aching heart into a pop song
I couldn't get the hang of poetry
That's not a skirt, girl, that's a sawn-off shotgun
And I can only hope you've got it aimed at me

Suck it and see, you never know
Sit next to me before I go
Jigsaw women with hollow movie shoes
Be cruel to me 'cause I'm a fool for

Blue girls from once upon a Shangri-La
How I often wonder where you are
You have got that face that just says
"Baby, I was made to break your heart"

Suck it and see, you never know
Sit next to me before I go
Go, go, go
Jigsaw women with hollow movie shoes
Be cruel to me 'cause I'm a fool for you 

("Suck It And See" - Arctic Monkeys)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Plus One

Interviewer: What makes you happy?
Alexa Chung: This is a disgusting answer,
but hanging out with my boyfriend makes me happy."
(As told to Elle UK magazine, April 2010)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

If This Is Interesting, Well, Think About It

(Picture taken from here)

"So hard to let go of a long term relationship.
Is it because you really love your partner so much
is it just because you're used to be with your partner
that you can't imagine living life without them?"

I once asked this to a close friend who's currently been dating her boyfriend for almost 3 years and who's previously dated her ex for 4 years. She paused, thinking for a while before finally saying "You're right. They're not quite different."
This has been caught in my head for months and this thought came simply because I was never able to stay in a relationship for a long time. That close friend of mine said "It could happen that we were still in love but well, I can't lie on the second thought, though."
What I mean with the second thought is that the relationship gets more universal, just like your relationship with your brothers or sisters at home. If somebody asks you "Do you love your sisters? Do you love your brothers?", the most probable answer is "Yes, I do" because it's kind of been programmed in your mind that "He's my brother, I love him. She's my sister, I love her" instead of asking yourself "Do I really love them? If yes, then why I do?" In my opinion, it's sort of the same thing regarding to long term relationship. My statement is also based on someone who's been married for more than 20 years who once said "Been married for more than 20 years then when you look at your spouse, it's more like looking at your sibling. The same person who you sleep in the same room with, the same face you look at when you wake up and before you go to bed. The only difference is you have children from them."
This is such a random thought but kinda scares people (who's been in a long term relationship) when I ask them about this cause they can't even tell whether it's more the first thought or the second thought. So, well, which one are you?

Sweet Escape

Went to this superbly cozy place last Saturday night with him.

(Picture taken from here)

It's Burgundy Dine & Wine, located on Jl. Maribaya No. 163 Bandung.
A cozy yet far-away-from-city-crowd place.

(Picture taken from here)

And here are some pictures taken by me and him.
Kinda messy and random. Well, amateurs, though. :p

This is my Prawn Pasta and Hot Mint Cappuccino.
(The pasta looks kinda messy cause I already ate it the moment this picture was taken)

This place has always been a favorite!

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's All Fair Game, Anyway

Always love girls in bands. ♥


She said I'm not her star
Just because I couldn't sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'
He said I'd much better be locked in a jar
Just because I threw him on a face with a strawberry jar

They said I'm no longer their shoulder
Just because I couldn't cry nor make them feel better
You said I even get worse
Just because I'm never able to ride a horse

So, what is a star?
Something hanging in the sky so far?
What is a jar?
Some place to lock somebody like me in?
Well, what is a shoulder?
Some place of mine to put all the burdens on?
And what is better?
Some word used to defeat you in any way forever?

Okay, stop questioning
Too many questions only make them ask for some action
And I know I can't pay attention
Just because I got nothing to lie on..

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Things That Will Make You Feel Old

1. Daniel Radcliffe 10 years ago

2. Macaulay Culkin is now 30

3. The Macarena is 16 years old

4. Aaliyah has been dead for 10 years

5. The first American Pie movie was released 12 years ago.

6. The Backstreet Boys' ages

7. The Spice Girls' ages


9. Goosebumps books were released between 1992 and 1997. There hasn't been a new one in 14 years.

10. The Rugrats' ages today

11. All 3 Hanson brothers are married with kids.

12. Elijah Wood is 30. He was 18 when he was cast in The Lord of the Rings.

13. The little girl from Jurassic Park is now 31.

15. The final episode of Teletubbies aired 10 years ago.

16. Have been divorced for 6 years

(source: here)