Thursday, March 7, 2013

People, Stop Making Excuse

The term 'friendzone' doesn't exist.
It's just bunch of people whose shyness are overloaded
to show their feelings
that they made such term as an excuse.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

C+J Forever

Put yourself in this situation: You have a best guy friend since highschool, become lovers in college and decide to get married young. Now 30, you're on your way up with your career and your husband is on his way nowhere with, again, unemployment that you decide to divorce but still maintain a good friendship as how it's always been with your soon-to-be ex-husband. But your decision, in fact, turns out to drive you away from the friendship, from the 'forever' promise you two have always been keeping.
That's what happens between Celeste and Jesse (well played by actress as well as the daughter of Quincy Jones, Rashida Jones and Saturday Night Live's Andy Samberg, respectively). 'Celeste and Jesse Forever' serves you with drama along with comedy wrapped up in bro jokes. 'Real' drama touches me more than 'drama' drama ('The Notebook', 'The Vow', you name it) because the tendency of it to be happened in real life is crystal clear. (Not mentioning the opening song, Lily Allen's Littlest Things, which is my favorite). And, to be honest, this movie brings up the kind of issue which intrigues me the most: Marrying the guy your age. Well, my assumption is proven to be right (at least in this movie...and in some cases).
'Celeste and Jesse Forever' totally nails it. As the tagline says, 'A Loved Story', this story is very likely to be loved, even by not a big fan of drama movies.

C: 'Do you think it's weird we hang out all the time?'
J: 'No, you're my bestfriend.'
C: 'Yeah, you're my best friend too.'


Rejection junkie.


"He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why.."

('Everything You Want' - Vertical Horizon)