Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Worry, Your 1990's Family Photo's Not The Weirdest

“For our annual family photo, I think you should dress as Winnie The Pooh, our baby can be Tigger and I’ll be Eeyore” How does that conversation even happen?
But you have to give credit where it’s due, the following 10 family portraits are certainly unique – if usually for all the wrong reasons. Mums & dads, hang your heads in shame and as for the kids, here’s hoping that these photos never surface during the family lunch with your partner – talk about awkward!

10 points if you can spot the goth

They really love their mullets & denim, don't they?

Imagine what happens when this family gets into an argument...

There's cute. Then there's weird. This is the latter.

Robert Smith would surely approve?

That's one Easter Bunny we'd advise not to take candy from...

But why no ninja outfit for baby? Shame.

House is on fire, but we have time for a family photo. No problem.

Remember the movie 'Rebel Without A Cause'?

It's like The Shining meets The Cosby Show. In an alternate universe.

(Reposted from here)

Monday, December 10, 2012


"Being fearless is not being 100% unafraid;
It's being terrified but you jump anyway."

(Read it somewhere)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Chungster


Nylon Magazine's best-dressed-of-the-month nominee.

British Style Award winner for three consecutive years.

Those skinny legs (not that I crave every girl with skinny legs, duh),
that bag named after her (remember the handbag porn post?),
that good taste of music (not that I share iPod with her, just read some posts about her DJ-ing playlists)..
Seriously, how not to love her?
Oh and it still breaks my heart knowing she & Alex Turner broke up.
Not that I'm #TeamAlexa or something (seriously, they broke up more than a year ago
and nothing could get them back together again, not even the #TeamAlexa hashtag),
but is it just me or anybody else also thinks Arielle Vandenberg is too mainstream for Alex Turner?
Oh, whatever. I'll just go back to my attempt on saving coins by coins
to finally reach £895 to afford that handbag named after this fashion icon.

(All pictures are taken from here)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


"He's like a dragon. A skinny, effeminate dragon, but still a dragon.
The boy belongs in fairy tales."

(Reposted from here)
(But with different picture, ya know.)